We’ve been blogging about things that inspire us and thought it was only right to give inspirational credit to one of our favorite wedding websites. (drums please….) Stylemepretty.com is a brides dream website! You can go on the site to look for ideas, places to buy things, things to buy for bridesmaids gifts (or any other type of gift), local vendors and the list goes on… I could spend hours looking at the site and getting inspired. In fact, I do… quite a bit! If Style Me Pretty had been around when I was planning my wedding, the bank account would have been empty…quick!

Sine we are a featured vendor on the site (they have to ask you… you can’t solicit them) they sent us the cute little Style Me Pretty logo to display on our website and blog. We are OFFICIAL now!! AK Event Design is happy to be a Little Black Book member and a part of one of the greatest wedding websites. SMP loves weddings as much as we do!!
Visit Style Me Pretty and be inspired!!!